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Category Archives: Save Energy

Hints and tips

Fridges and freezers Site your fridge and freezer in a cool (but not very cold) position. Don’t leave the fridge door open and make sure the seals are tight. Keep your fridge temperature setting between 3°C and 5°C – settings … Continue reading

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Eco Building

Thinking of building a new house? Or converting an old one? It’s one of the most exciting things you can do – especially with all the opportunities to make your new home greener without adding greatly to the cost. Use … Continue reading

Ethical Lifestyle & Shopping

Every purchasing decision we make has an impact on the environment. By choosing an ‘Ethical Retailer’ you may be able to reduce your own impact. We have prepared a list of Green/Energy Efficient retail sites below. Please let us know … Continue reading

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Many floorings contain toxic chemicals which appear on the EU’s list of chemicals of ‘very high concern’. Vinyl floor coverings are probably the worst culprits as they can contain compounds which have been linked to all kinds of health and … Continue reading

Furniture & Furnishings

Just because wood is natural doesn’t always mean it’s the best option. It’s only a renewable material if more trees are planted! For example, mahogany and some exotic timbers come from long-established tropical rainforests rather than sustainably planted forests. It’s … Continue reading

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Energy Efficient Living — News, Hints & Tips