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Category Archives: Save Energy

Save water

Water is precious. In fact it’s becoming even more so, with rivers experiencing significantly less flows due to climate change. Reservoirs too are struggling to maintain supply as rainfall and the weather becomes more unpredictable. Plus, it costs money to … Continue reading

Fridges and freezers

365 days a year, 24 hours a day, fridges and freezers have to be on all the time and can use a lot of energy (about 17% of all energy used in Britain today). So when you buy a new … Continue reading

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Home Entertainment

Modern technology is great, but computers, TVs, DVD & Blu-Ray players, games consoles, stereo systems and so on all use energy. Did you know, for example, that TVs and set top boxes account for some 75% of all electricity consumption … Continue reading

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What do energy labels mean?

With so many labels on electrical appliances it can be confusing to work out what they all mean, what is reliable and what is a marketing gimmick by a manufacturer or retailer. So we’ve explained what the energy labels mean. … Continue reading

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Energy Efficient Living — News, Hints & Tips