simply efficient shopping

About this site

Sust-it was launched in January 2007 by Ross and Issi Lammas. It was the first energy efficiency website to rank products by energy usage. The inspiration for the site grew out of frustration at the lack of information to help consumers tackle energy wastage. With rising energy costs and a growing need to tackle climate change and reach NetZero, there is a real need for easily understandable knowledge on energy and water consumption of electricals, which Sust-it delivers.

We have researched manufacturers data on 132909 products and 107727 vehicles to help you make more informed purchasing decisions. Energy labelling on products is helpful. However, individuals are surprised and shocked to see energy usage presented in financial terms. For example, you can compare similar products by their varying energy consumption and running costs.

Any purchasing decision we make has an impact on the environment. Every product purchased has an embodied energy value, a calculation involving the life cycle of your chosen goods, i.e. raw materials used, manufacturing processes, transportation, longevity, recyclability, and power it consumes. We've based our assessment on the easiest to quantify: the energy it will consume over its life.

So, if our website helps you save energy and money in one go, we're happy and emissions reduced.

Are we independent?

'Yes,' we are independent of manufacturers, retailers or energy companies. We do not receive funding from government agencies, trusts or independent charities. Sust-it operates in a fully autonomous way to benefit shoppers and the environment.

Are you a retailer, energy supplier or researcher?

Wouldn't it be great to show your customers or clients how energy-efficient products are and how much they cost to run! We can provide this service and seamlessly integrate this into your website; please contact us.

How are we funded?

We receive a small sale commission if you purchase any goods from our site. Revenue comes from providing energy data feeds for retailers, energy suppliers, price comparison sites, consultants and researchers. Advertising on our site is available too, for more information, do call 01242 808071.

Energy Efficient Living — News, Hints & Tips