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Running cost of Bosch KIF86PFE0 Fridge Freezer*

Product Information

Bosch KIF86PFE0
£0.51 Litre £62.65 Year £971.03 Lifetime

On average, the Bosch KIF86PFE0 55L + 67L capacity E rated Fridge Freezer would use around £62.65 of electricity per year. The annual cost per litre is roughly £0.51.

The Bosch KIF86PFE0 55L + 67L capacity E rated Fridge Freezer currently ranks 129th in our energy efficiency database.

Over its average lifetime of 15.5 years, the Total Cost of Ownership of this product would be £2,426.03 at current energy and retail prices. This product was added to Sust-it in July 2022. Prices start from £1,455.00.

Product Data

Fridge Capacity: 55 litres
Freezer Capacity: 67 litres
CO2 Emissions per Year: 45.86 kg
Cost per Year: £0.51/L
Cost per Year: £62.65
Lifetime Running Cost: £971.03
Total Cost of Ownership: £2,426.03

Based on electricity usage divided by weighted capacity using data published by their manufacturers. (np) = no published data. Usage is defined by these criteria.

Energy efficiency relative to other available Fridge Freezers in Sust-it's database

Poor Average Good

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