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The cost of keeping cool this summer

An electric car with decent range? Vauxhall Ampera review.

'Range anxiety' seems to be a major stumbling block to the take-up of electric cars, even though the average driver probably only does long trips occasionally. The Vauxhall Ampera tries to address this with a clever combination that combines the benefits of electric motors as a means to drive the wheels, and a petrol engine that works as a generator producing electricity to power the motors.

Vauxhall Ampera review

Free energy monitors for every 50th Facebook like*

We're still giving away 10 energy meters - one for every 50th like we get on Sust-it's Facebook page, If you've already 'liked' us, remember to check to see if you have won, and if you haven't yet given us a 'like', why not do so today? You could win a Power Meter and it's a great way keep up to date with Sust-it.

* UK residents only, promotion started July 2012

How much electricity does a portable air conditioning unit use?

It makes a nice change to have a summer in which keeping cool is the only problem!

There's certainly been a rush for fans in the shops this year, with portable air conditioner units becoming the 'must have' electrical item this summer, whether it's to cool an office or home environment. So how do they work? and more importantly how much do they cost to run?

Air Conditioning Unit

Do electric car CO2 emissions add up?

Buying an electric car could be seen as ultimate green statement, especially when the showroom is filled with zero emissions brochures extolling the eco credentials of these cars. Okay, there are no tail pipe emissions as you travel, which is a great... Read more »

Zero Emissions